Peer Reviewed Research Approach
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At Inner Synergy we are committed to developing innovative programs that empower individuals to better understand themselves. By synthesizing the groundbreaking research of Shalom Schwartz on human values and Carol Dweck on mindsets, we have designed a comprehensive assessment program that evaluates both core values and mindsets, ultimately fostering personal growth and development.

Shalom Schwartz's
Research on values identifies a universal structure of human values that are crucial in guiding individual behavior and decision-making. His theory categorizes values into ten distinct types, which are organized along two primary dimensions: the openness to change versus conservation and self-enhancement versus self-transcendence. This framework helps us understand how values influence individuals' motivations and actions in various aspects of life, including relationships, work, and community involvement.
Carol Dweck's
Research on mindsets distinguishes between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. Individuals with a fixed mindset believe their abilities and intelligence are static, while those with a growth mindset embrace challenges and view failures as opportunities for learning and growth. Dweck's findings emphasize the importance of cultivating a growth mindset to enhance resilience, creativity, and overall achievement.
By integrating Schwartz's value framework with Dweck's mindset theory, our program offers a nuanced approach to self-assessment. Participants begin by exploring their core values through Schwartz's value inventory, which helps them identify what matters most to them in life. This assessment reveals the underlying motivations that drive their behaviors and choices.

Next, participants are assesed and evaluated about their mindset using Dweck's principles based from Schwartz Portrait Value Questionnaire. This component assesses whether individuals lean towards a fixed or growth mindset, providing insights into their attitudes towards learning, challenges, and personal development.
The combination of these two research domains allows participants to gain a deeper understanding of how their core values shape their mindset and, in turn, how their mindset influences their pursuit of those values. By reflecting on both aspects, individuals can identify areas for growth and development, leading to more aligned decision-making and enhanced personal fulfillment.
Our program not only provides a comprehensive assessment but also offers tailored resources and strategies for participants to cultivate a growth mindset while staying true to their core values. This holistic approach empowers individuals to navigate personal and professional challenges more effectively, fostering resilience, adaptability, and a greater sense of purpose.